Republican Logic: Hypocrisy in Motion
The Republican logic that Trump is not impeachable once out of office mocks the Founder’s intent. They worried about a demagogue who could ruin democracy, and impeachment was the only thing they could think of to prevent it. Leaving Trump in a position to once again be President goes against their intent.
The Republican logic also reeks of hypocrisy. Of course they would impeach a Democrat President who was defeated and a few weeks out of office. Their current action won’t even prevent them from doing that. It reeks of the Merrick Garland scandal, also an affront to democracy based on timing. Republicans couldn’t vote on it, they said, because the nomination was in the last year of a President’s term. That precedent collapsed the day Justice Ginsburg died. This one will be forgotten as well.
Claiming that timing renders justice or governance unlawful is what bullies, mobsters, and criminals like to say. “That was yesterday. Today is different.” Republican voters, look in the mirror. You’re becoming the thing you accuse others of: unpatriotic anti-Americans. But you know it already, because you believe that American politics is war.