History may not repeat, but this sure rhymes with McCarthy.

The Senate committee investigating McCarthy in 1950 said he was dividing America. He called its Democratic chair guilty of “the most brazen whitewash of treasonable conspiracy in our history.”
Trump’s attacks on Schiff ring a bell?
The full Senate voted exactly along party lines not to accept the report. And now?
Block’s cartoon: tar-filled cans piled high, on which a small platform perched, McCarthyism. A GOP elephant dragged forward, saying “I’m supposed to stand on that?” Is Trumpism easier?
McCarthy hit an opponent’s reelection with a fake picture of him intimate with a Communist leader. All candidates McCarthy opposed lost. How are those ugly lies working today?
McCarthy accused Truman’s State Dept. of sooo many communists. Especially Gen. Marshall, saying he was part of “a conspiracy so immense and an infamy so black as to dwarf any previous venture in the history of man”.
Sounds like Trump practiced that one.
McCarthy’s downfall came in hearings called because the US Army said he pressured them regarding a friend of Roy Cohn. The Army was strategic. They didn’t question McCarthy’s politics. They focused on his illegal efforts to hide wrongdoing. Televised hearings let people see him bully and lie.
Now the Democrats have strategy on their side, due to the whistleblower. They don’t need to talk about kids in cages or rich tax cuts. Let the gang reveal itself. 35% still supported McCarthy after, 35% will still support Trump. Not enough then or now.